TREND Community Highlights Jonathan Bui from the Technology Team

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Trend Community

TREND Community is honored to announce the addition of Jonathan Bui as front-end developer on our team. Jonathan brings his experience with software engineering and UX (user experience) to our Tech Team. He is a lifelong Pennsylvanian, born and raised in Lancaster, PA: “I doubt I’ll ever stop calling it home.” In keeping with his Pennsylvania roots, Jonathan received his BS in Computer Science from Temple University.

Jonathan was drawn to TREND so he could apply his technical acumen and skills to the rare and chronic disease communities:

“I wanted a taste of the startup culture that is being able to work with new technologies with a small, close-knit team. I gravitated toward TREND because I am more driven if I find my work impactful and meaningful.”

Jonathan credits his extended family for their support and inspiration in shaping his trajectory:

“I am a second-generation immigrant and grew up surrounded by parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles learning to navigate living in America. With little money and understanding of English, they looked to each other for support. Growing up, it was a normal childhood, but in retrospect, I see many circumstances where they had to struggle. My family is an inspiration and influence on me to be adaptable and have a supportive mentality.”

Outside work, Jonathan enjoys billiards and music. He is a member of an 8-ball team with the American Poolplayers Association (APA) amateur league. Jonathan also plays guitar, which is not only an outlet and passion of his—it also has therapeutic benefits for him:

“It’s so much a part of me that I don’t even bring it up much these days. I enjoy writing songs, learning new ones, or simply noodling. I used to play shows back in college, but nowadays, aside from the occasional open mic, it’s more of a therapeutic endeavor.”

If ever in Philly and you hear a guitarist playing the bossa nova classic “The Girl from Ipanema,” look closer—it might be Jonathan.