TREND Community and PWSA (USA) are excited to support Drs. Jennifer Miller and Dan Driscoll in their endeavor to gain FDA approval to make oxytocin a standard of care for Prader-‐Willi syndrome (PWS).
A Phase 1 study of intranasal oxytocin for the treatment of PWS, funded by PWSA (USA), the National Institutes of Health and gifts from the community, suggests that oxytocin administration has the potential to change the natural history of PWS, improving the lives of those afflicted with this chronic condition. Anecdotal reports of its benefits are circulating on social media and the families who participated in this study are asking what the community can do to make oxytocin readily available.
PWSA (USA) has selected Jennifer Miller, MD and Dan Driscoll, MD, PhD from the University of Florida to lead this multi-‐site, dose finding phase 2 trial. They have over 45 years combined experience treating patients with PWS and conducting research. In an effort to fast track the launch of this important study, PWSA (USA) has joined with the TREND community to raise the one million dollars required by year-end.
PWSA (USA) is currently accepting donations to fund a Phase 2 dose-‐finding, multi-‐center clinical trial of oxytocin in children with PWS.
Tax-deductible gifts designated for the “Oxytocin Initiative” may be sent directly to:
8588 Potter Park Drive, Suite 500
Sarasota, FL 34238
Or donate or raise money online: www.firstgiving.com/pwsausa/oxytocin-study More details about this fundraising initiative will follow in the coming weeks.
TREND Community is an information sharing platform where communities of patients suffering from chronic diseases, their caregivers and medical professionals can track and share real-‐time health information in order to collectively evaluate the effectiveness of therapies, diet and other interventions.
PWSA (USA) was organized in 1975 to provide support for individuals, families, professionals and organizations and to be a resource for education and information about PWS. A full 80% of our budget goes to funding programs to benefit PWS, including research, medical, and crisis & family support.